Bed Bug Detection & Canine Inspection

Bed bugs can be quite difficult to detect even at moderate infestation levels. Luckily, if you're not sure if you have bugs, we offer a few different options to detect them in your home.

Not sure if you’ve got bed bugs? Or want to make sure your home is completely clear after your bed bug extermination nightmare seems over?

Call us to come inspect your home for any signs of bed bugs. We offer human or canine inspections to help you determine the extent of your problem or let you know that your bed bug problem is solved!

Canine Bed Bug Inspections

Bug bug inspection dogs have the extraordinary capability to detect what humans simply cannot. You can feel confident about what our dogs find or don’t find in your home. You can trust that the findings will help you move forward to either continue extermination or move back in to enjoy your bed bug-free home.

Call to ask for our pre-inspection checklist which helps you prep your home so that our bed bug-sniffing dogs can access what they need to. Once scheduled, our special bed bug K9 team and their handlers will arrive at the appointed time in an un-marked vehicle to ensure discretion.

bedbug canine detection services sniffing dog

How Bed Bug Detection Works

The bed bug detection team performs a detailed inspection of your property. Then we let you know it is all-clear or in the case of discovering an infestation, we prepare a comprehensive report that indicates the source of the problem and the extent of the infestation. The report informs you of the best next-steps to take to rid your home of bed bugs in the most efficient and cost-effective manner. Recommendations may include fumigationbed bug prep servicesbed bug laundering, heat treatment, or dry cleaning, or bed bug cryo-treatment to kill every last bed bug.

If you are free of bed bugs, consider the latest in technology…bed bug prevention! Yes, it really exists!